
Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 22

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 22 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 22. Woot! Chris has completed a solid 3 weeks. If we look back, we can see that in order to have a successful 3 weeks it involved a lot of planning, a lot of meal prep and some thinking outside the box (I mean, […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 21

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 21 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 21. Since Chris has upped his protein a bit (oh and by the way, lentils are a good source of protein), I thought now might be a good time to show you how to figure out your own percentages of macros (proteins, fats and […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 18

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 18 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 18. In looking at Chris’s macros (proteins, fats and carbs) I decided he could use a bit more protein in his diet. He’s a very active guy, and we want to eat to not only fuel his performance, but to aid in his recovery […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 19

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 19 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 19. I love that Chris has someone else in his house he can swap healthy foods with, that’s a luxury a lot of people don’t have. He must have done something right raising those girls 🙂 And while we’re cheering his success, he’s also […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 17

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 17 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 17- The inevitable has happened, and it’s one of the downfalls of checking your metrics everyday (in this case weight and body fat), the scale has crept back (albeit, not by much). It’s too early to panic, we’re still on track, and his morning […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 16

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 16 Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 16 -Chris has successfully made it past the half way and really kept his food choices on point. He’s been fighting a cold so I suggested he add some nutritional yeast to his diet, just a little extra immune support. However, he added it […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 15

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 15 Nutritional Yeast It’s Day 15 of Chris’s 30 Day Reboot and he’s been fighting off a bit of a head cold. Lowered immunity in long distance runners is not totally uncommon, as this type of exercise can temporarily lower white blood cell count. I’ve recommended he add in some […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 14-Calories

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 14- Calories In today’s blog Chris mentions calories in a couple of different places. I thought now would be a good time to remind people that calories, just like your weight, are just one unit of measurement. Below I have listed 3 reasons not to get too hung up on […]

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 12

Chris’s 30 Day Reboot Day 12 Well, there it is again, numbers that feel like they’re going in the wrong direction. If we were totally wrapped up in the numbers we could cheat a little and manipulate his diet to deplete his glycogen stores, as that would make the number on the scale read lower, […]